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Daily Doodle Do! Jack and the Bean Stalk

Writer's picture: tinkdigitaltinkdigital

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

Dear Families and Caregivers,

Yesterday we received notice that parents in our district should be prepared for a school closure that could be longer than two weeks. As working parents we know that this may be a challenging time. However, we feel with some good resources that this unexpected time at home could be an exciting opportunity for kids to learn and explore in less conventional ways. At DoodleMatic we are putting together Daily Activities for kids that will keep them engaged, creating and active while home, and provide parents with a few hours a day to still mark a few things off of their work from home to-do list.

Jack and the Bean Stalk

About: Read or listen to the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk, create puppets, a set and props with paper and markers and produce your own puppet show! Then turn the story into a playable DoodleMatic game!

Connections to Literacy: While spending time at home we feel it's essential for kids to continue reading. We know that kids learn better when they are part of the action. Breaking a story down into elements such as the setting, main character, story problem -which includes goals and obstacles significantly increases children's reading comprehension. Taking it one step further, kids will be able to re-tell the story by creating and playing their own DoodleMatic game.

Digital Pen Pals: Being away from their friends can be very difficult for kids. While play dates are not an option, DoodleMatic can be an amazing digital Pen Pal platform. With a parent's help, kids can send playable game links to family and friends outside of their home.

Activity Sequence:

1. Read or listen to the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk. Click the video to listen to us read out loud. We read the version found on American Literature.

2. Create puppets and props needed to put on your show (see materials below).

3. Set the stage, and let the show begin.

4. Create a DoodleMatic game using the characters and elements in the story.

Materials: Note to Parents- you can set your children up with the materials below and them explore. While we always recommend parental supervision, your children will be able to enjoy working through these activities independently!

1. Read Jack and the Bean Stalk Story:

- recording of Jack and the Bean Stalk (here is our rendition)

2. Create your Puppet show!


- paper or cardstock

- crayons/markers

- popsicle sticks, pencils, tree branches etc (any kind of stick to hold up your puppet)

- tape

How to:

1. Draw your characters and props on paper or cardstock

2. Color them in

3. Carefully cut them out (ask a parent for help if needed!)

4. Carefully tape a popsicle stick (or stick) to the back of each one.

Character list:

Jack's Mom


Jack's cow

Funny Man

The Giant's Wife

The Giant

Prop list:

Jack's house

Magic beans

The bean stalk

The Giant's Castle

Sack of Gold Coins

Golden Goose

Golden Harp

3. Perform!

Gather up an audience of your family or favorite toys. Act out the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk for them!

NOTE: Parents- record your child's performance to share with their friends and family members! It is sure to brighten their day!

3. Create a Video Game of the story

Materials: You can use the DoodleMatic Kit or:

- white paper

- markers (black, green, blue, red, & purple)

- the DoodleMatic App*

Drawing your Game:

1. Draw the setting in black- this is where the story takes place. Jack's house, the bean stalk and the castle!

2. Draw your avatar in Green- this is the main character -Jack

3. Draw the goals in Blue- what Jack wants in the story -gold coins, golden goose and the magic harp

4. Draw the hazard in red- this is the villain or problem in the way of Jack's goal. - The giant!

5. You can also use purple to draw objects to move around your game.

Uploading your Game:

1. In the DoodleMatic App* click create and take a picture of your game. Test your game!

2. You can edit your game by resizing, moving and removing parts of your game.

3. You can enhance your game with power ups! Make objects, rotate, or your bean stalk grow, play and explore!

*NOTE: You can make 2 trial games with the free download- if you want to continue to making games with the app we recommend that you purchase our box kit ($29.99). The DoodleMatic Box kit allows the user to make 1000 games and comes with 2 interactive books that teach game design, helping kids through the creative problem solving process. The app can also be bought as an in-app purchase for $34, but we recommend the books!).

Share your Game:

Beat your game and share with friends! Ask a parent to help you. In the game over screen click share and you will get a link that your parents can email or text to family and friends. They can play your game on their web browser!

Daily DoodleDo's Production:

DISCLAIMER! WE are NOT trained actors, producers or videographers, just a family, reading, keeping busy and having fun!

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